I Am a registered Ham Radio Operator
Find Me on The band. Also stay tuned for more wireless projects featuring new tech like LoRa and more!
If Active, on 150.115 Mhz or Via ECHOLINK @ 10:00-10:30 PM IST
Some Notable Creations/Articles!
PicUNO Product Page with complete project details
Voltameter project which is a small voltmeter which sends data to your PC to overlay
muNico series of development boards based on high power, affordable MCUs with/without USB support - GitHub
Article on an Accurate clock written for Core Electronics (Australia) - Redirects externally
Most famous article authored by me on this site on the RPI400
Article and build of a DIY Subscriber counter which can be replicated by anyone!
AKA The Solder-Flasher kit which is available on Tindie and on my store!
Article authored on the PicUNO by Jeremy S Cook at Hackster
Custom software that helps receive data from any serial port based on time limit mentioned with an intuitive GUI
FPGA shield for the PicUNO powered by Lattice's ICE40UP5K FPGA. (In Development)- GitHub
GPT powered Bot based on Python which runs on an RPI 3A+ and is enclosed in a creative enclosure! -GitHub
List of OSHWA certified projects I have created as available in the directory. (Redirects externally)
©2015-2024 ESC crasci (By Atul Ravi)