5 Jun 2015

ESC crasci as WindySunny12 is born
My first, now unlisted video, a stop-motion animation of a car was released. Has no relation with science, but who knew?
5 Apr 2016

First “Science” video released.
The first science video was released of how one oculd make a motor run with a RC car’s circuit. It is still public and can be viewed here: (6) #1 How to make a rc controlled motor with a old rc car’s circuit – YouTube Also, the channel name changed to ESC electrical electronic and DIY
August 2016
First website launched. Channel Rebrand.
To share the Mobile Phone image for the first video, a website was launched at asdfgfsir.doodlekit.com which later became esctube.doodlekit.com (Both sites which no longer exist.). Channel was rebranded as ESC Tube.
15 Jan, 2017

Channel Rebranded as ESC crasci
Since ESC Tube never appeared in search results, a final name change was made to ESC crasci which when expanded reads: ESCape into CRAzy SCIence. ESC crasci.
Jun, 2017
Weebly site launched
The weebly website was launched which is still available for public to view to this day at esccrasci.weebly.com
17 Jun, 2017
Blog and project details site launched
The now defunct yet public project blog was created and is still available for you to view at: esccrasciprojectinfo.blogspot.com
Nov, 2017
DIY Doormat reached 10000 views!
The famous DIY Doormat video directed by yours truly reached a new milestone of 10K views marking as a stepping stone of success for a channel of “Science”. Well one can argue that craft is science too.
Jan, 2018
ESC crasci reaches 100 subscribers
A truly large milestone, the channel reached 100 subscribers.
Jan, 2019
First “Proper site”
The now forgotten esccrasci.ml site was launched in 2019 and the blog was migrated. The weebly site still existed.
Apr, 2020
@esccrasci Insta replaced by @esccrasciyt
The original handle was replaced with the current handle because of issues with the previous handle. And the first post was uploaded on the 20th.
Oct, 2020
ESCCRASCI.in launched. 5 year anniversary
esccrasci.in was registered and older sites were promptly retired with the .ml domain being left to retire. ESC crasci YT channel reached 5 years of age!
Mar, 2021
BuyMeACoffee page launched. @esccrasci twitter page created.
The buymeacoffee page was launched for supporting the lab and is available at buymeacoffee.com/esccrasci And the @esccrasci twitter page was created.
Dec, 2021
Site reaches 1000 views
A site with little to no content reached a 1000 views. Unlike the blog which reached it within no time. Anyways…
9 Jan, 2022
First episode of KARO uploaded
The first episode of KARO, a LED Cube with discreet components was uploaded marking a journey into shortform content.
25 Apr, 2022
First Product and Tindie page launched.
The first product and its associated KARO page, a LED Flashed kit was launched. Also the Tindie store was opened and products were added.
May, 2022
Subscriber Counter product launched.
The subscriber counter product was launched.
Jun, 2022
SOS Device (A patented device) launched.
The now patented SOS Device was launched and is still available for sale.
23 Jun, 2022
Final KARO S1 episode released.
The final episode of KARO showcasing a light sensor was released.
May, 2023
ESC crasci youtube channel rebranded, @atulravi launched
ESC crasci became rebranded to match the content style and its name changed to Atul Ravi while a new page to showcase HAM radio content @atulravi was also launched at the same time.
31 May, 2023
@esccrasci twitter changed to @atulresc
The twitter account where I showcase my creations changed to @atulresc while the page that shows past achievements became @esccrasci hereby archiving the previous @LabsESC page!
28 Jun, 2023
8 Years of ESC crasci celebrated
8 long years of ESC crasci filled with fun and lots of development is commemorated. With 2 YouTube channels, a site, a twitter account, and many more celebrated with a portfolio of over 3 products with 1 primary patented Hardware device and personally many awards with many more to come.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for 8 wonderful years of ESC crasci!
-Atul Ravi (ESC crasci)